Purchasing, governance, financial situation… A final audit for the Ain Sebaa Zoo project
The objective is to ensure compliance with the conditions for the implementation of the project as defined in the specific agreement relating to the construction of the Zoo. Call for tenders: SDL Casa aménagement will select an expert firm to carry out the final audit of the Ain Sebaa Zoo project. The opening of tenders will take place on December 20. SDL Casa aménagement recently launched a call for tenders to select an expert firm to carry out the final audit of the Ain Sebaa Zoo project. This audit covers the purchasing, governance, financial and organizational aspects of the project. The objective is to ensure compliance with the conditions for the implementation of the project as defined in the specific agreement relating to the construction of the Zoo, signed by the various partners on October 2, 2014. The audit services concern 6 aspects, namely purchases made within the framework of the project; the materiality of the project and compliance with commitments by the partners concerned; the governance of the project; the examination of the interim financial situations of the project; the determination of the financial situation of the project and its balance and finally the management of the project by the delegated project owner. With regard to purchases made within the framework of the project, the holder must verify that the delegated project owner complies with the provisions of its procurement regulations as well as the regulations in force regarding purchases made on behalf of the project (calls for tender, contracts, common law agreements, purchase orders, etc.). The checks will also cover the examination of the tender procedures. In this context, the auditor must examine and analyze in detail the provisions of the tender regulations and the method of awarding and awarding the contract. The conformity of the contract with the business consultation file will also be verified. The auditor will also have to verify the execution of the contracts, namely the conformity of the financial and administrative documents, compliance with contractual deadlines, the impact of deadlines on costs, the revision of prices and adjustments, the examination of purchase orders and common law agreements. As part of the 2nd part, the auditor will have to verify that the project has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant agreement, in particular in terms of land clearance, studies carried out as part of the project, the consistency of the components executed and the deadline for completion of the project. He will have to give an overall assessment of the terms and conditions of execution of the project and ensure that the partners concerned comply with their reciprocal commitments, in particular that of the release of financial contributions and their use. With regard to the governance of the project, the Auditor will be responsible for analyzing the work of the project monitoring committee, based on the terms of the agreement and its amendment, and will have to assess the various aspects of project governance. As part of the 4th part relating to the examination of the interim financial situations of the project, the holder will have to ensure the exhaustiveness of the financial resources by carrying out reconciliations between the achievements and the forecasts of the agreement as amended. He will also have the mission of tracing the use of these resources as well as verifying the regularity and materiality of the expenses related to the project (studies, works, equipment, taxes, miscellaneous, etc.) through reconciliations between the situations established by the delegated project owner and a representative sample of supporting documents and documents (contracts, statements, contracts, etc.). The auditor will have to verify whether the financial plan has been properly respected. Regarding the 5th part, the auditor will have to produce a statement of the financial situation and balance of the project and determine the cost of the project at the time of the audit mission. Finally, concerning the 6th part relating to the management of the project by the delegated project owner, he will verify the conformity of the deadlines for the completion of the project with those provided for in the agreement and provide explanations for any possible delays. At the end of his mission, the auditor will formulate an opinion on the overall execution of the project, paying particular attention to the use of the financial contributions of the partners, in particular those of the Hassan II Fund, and to compliance with the commitments of all parties involved. He will also be responsible for establishing proposals or recommendations, if applicable, for the improvement of the aspects audited.